2025 Registration


November 18 – December 2, 2024: Registration opens for PRIORITY FAMILIES at 7AM (attended Summer 2024)

February 6, 2025: Registration opens for ALL families at 7 AM

February 6, 2025: Processing begins for Veteran Family Registrations

February 13, 2025: Processing begins for New Family Registrations

May 1, 2024: Balances are due on or before May 1 for Summer Enrollment

June 1, 2024: No refunds given for Summer Enrollment after May 31


  • All Registrations are date/time stamped and processed in the order they are received according to the above categories.
  • A non-refundable $40 Registration Fee per camper will be charged at the time you register.
Tom Sawyer Registration InfoRegister for CampCamp Registration Information

Registration Information


Registration opens at 7 AM for summer camp and is on a first come/first served basis. Registrations are time and date stamped and separated into Priority, Veteran and New Families and processed in the order they are received according to the Registration Calendar above.

Priority Families are campers who attended Summer 2024,  Being a Priority Family does not guarantee that the session you register for will be available. Many of our sessions fill quickly and enrolling online as soon as possible increases your chances of receiving the session(s) you want.

Veteran Families are campers who attended TSC a previous summer, or children of TSC alumni or staff. Being a Veteran Family does not guarantee that the session you register for will be available even if you are a Veteran Family. Many of our sessions fill quickly and enrolling online as soon as possible increases your chances of receiving the session(s) you want.

New Families are strongly encouraged to still Register on February 6, or as soon as possible. Early Registration increases your chances of receiving the session(s) you want when it comes time to process New Families on February 13.


Once we process your Registration and have a spot for your camper, we will send you a confirmation email and charge a $300 deposit per camper. It is at this point that your camper is considered Enrolled and attending Summer 2025. Balances are due on or before May 1.


Due to the large numbers of families on waiting lists last summer, we are limiting our waiting lists to 35 for each group. This means you may not be able to complete your registration and will not be charged a registration fee if your session waiting lists are full.

We keep a Waiting List for families who may not get a spot (or the spot they prefer). As space becomes available due to changes and cancellations, we will contact you in the order you are placed on the Waiting List.


ALL changes or cancellations must be submitted in writing to info@tsc.camp

Change and Cancellation Deadlines and Fees
November 18 - January 10No Fee
January 11 - February 21 $100 per camper/per session
February 22 -March 31$200 per camper/per session
April 1 -May 31$300 per camper/per session
June 1 and laterNO REFUNDS

Schedule changes which increase the amount of time your child comes to camp and/or schedule changes initiated by the office based on a waiting list request will not incur change fees.

There are no refunds once a child has begun attending camp. The only exception is if the child cannot attend camp because of an extended illness or accident for two consecutive camp weeks or more. In this case, the camp will share the total loss in tuition with the parents by assuming one-half (1/2) of it in the form of credit on account, or refund, at the discretion of the Director. Proof of illness by written statement of a licensed physician is required for any type of credit offered by camp.

TSC reserves the right to dismiss a camper and/or parent whose conduct, behavior or influence is unsatisfactory, or in the opinion of the director, not in the best interest of the program. There will be no refunds for this type of cancellation.


Due to limited capacity, each year some children are placed on a waiting list. These lists are now limited to 35 campers per group. If all spots are filled in a particular age group, applicants are placed on the waiting list in the order in which the registration is received, and the parents are notified. We cannot add your child’s name to the waiting list without a completed registration and the $40 registration fee. The child will remain on the waiting list until a spot opens (in which case the parents will be immediately notified, and the $300 deposit balance will be charged).


TSC considers the positive example parents set for their campers and the cooperation of parents essential for it to carry out its mission. Parents are expected to support all policies, rules, and regulations, and cooperate with and act with civility toward members of the TSC community, including our staff and contracted vendors providing service to TSC both on site and off site. Unacceptable parent behavior, including actively undermining any camp policy or harassing staff, may result in non-renewal or termination from Camper’s enrollment. Refunds will not be given for these circumstances.


Please call or email info@tsc.camp by 7:30 AM if your child is going to be absent. There is an answering machine to take your call when we are not in the office. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate any makeup days for missed Summer Camp.


Campers are placed in groups upon enrollment. If your camper wants to be grouped with a friend, the request must be made when he/she is registered, and both campers must list each other. Buddy requests are not guaranteed, but every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate requests (1 friend request). Since camp has a full enrollment each year, campers may not bring guests.


Swimming, horseback riding, archery and vigorous outdoor and recreational activities are all integral parts of the day camp program and are included as part of the total camp fee. Any physical activity, of course, has risk, but the camp administration believes that with proper supervision, the benefits derived far outweigh these risks.


Two shirts are given to each camper enrolled in PC, SDC and OP campers on the first or second day of camp. More camp shirts are available for purchase.


Group Pictures are taken once each session. If your camper is absent, he/she will unfortunately not be in the picture. The camper will, however, receive a picture of his/her group with his/her counselors and friends.


Parents should plan to drop off and pick up at camp each day. There will be three yellow bus pick up points (LA Zoo area, East Pasadena, and South Pasadena) that will provide transportation to and from camp. Seats are limited and fees apply. Sign up at Registration.

When we were looking at her camp group photo, I asked my daughter who her friends were. She said: "All of them!"

TSC Family

Felicity woke up each day looking forward to camp! She still sings the songs, talks about the horses, and mentions what she learned on a daily basis. It was a wonderful experience and we are so thankful to have had this opportunity.

TSC Parent

My campers often look at the TSC photo and still name their friends. Thank you and the TSC family for creating such a gift for families.

TSC Parent

Our Campers want to be Counselors someday, because of the examples that your Counselors set for them. Tom Sawyer is encouraging them to be leaders.

TSC Family

Camp has given our child confidence to try many new things like archery, horses, swimming, climbing, high ropes, and taking the initiative to make new friends.

TSC Family

I was impressed by the high level of communication between the camp leadership and parents. If something came up at camp, they helped my child grow skills to handle things and always updated me about it.

TSC Family

My daughter had the absolute best time! She learned new skills, made friends, and came home, every day, covered in mud! It was exactly what summer should be.

TSC Parent

Our son Oliver adores TSC. Loves the counselors, all the activities, and the fellow campers.  TSC has become a summer family tradition.  He hopes to one day be a counselor!

TSC Parent

Our daughter stepped outside her comfort zone on the rock wall and high ropes and is so proud of herself! The well-trained staff made it a great and safe experience for her.

TSC Parent

My son had a wonderful time. All his needs were met including his fear of swimming. The counselors were fantastic with him.

TSC Parent